Monday, April 25, 2011

Who knew that the sound of a heartbeat could be so amazing?

On our first baby appointment, we had the opportunity to hear our baby's heartbeat.
I had kept my composure the entire appointment.
I didn't cry whatsoever, even though I was 
really nervous to get all the "tests" done. 
(Women, you know exactly what tests I am talking about. Not fun at ALL.)

Anyways, my doctor told me to lay back and listen closely.
I could feel my own heart beat a little bit faster.
I was starting to get more nervous and letting my 
thoughts over come me. 
"What if she can't find a heartbeat?"
"What if there's multiple heartbeats?"
You know, stuff like that.

But as soon as I heard that heart beat, all my fears went away. 
It was the most calming, peaceful, sound that I have ever heard.
I couldn't hold back the tears. They started streaming down my face. 
Nick came and grabbed my hands and just looked at me
with the happiest look on his face.
I could tell he was just as happy as I was.

Other than my amazing husband Nick, 
I don't think anything or anyone is ever going to make me happier than
the little baby growing inside of me.

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